Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Eeee gads

I haven't done the internet thing in a while (this keeps happening), this time because I've been composing, traveling, and moved into a new flat and don't have internet yet. There are various tidbits of good news though. The London Contemporary Chamber Orchestra gave a workshop to my piece Short Suite for Small Orchestra, and dug it enough to play it on their October 17 concert here in London. It was also performed by the Stranded Ensemble on June 8, and people seemed to like it a lot.

I'm writing a second, much harder piece for chamber orchestra derived from the same harmony as the third movement of the short suite. And some of the rhythmic ideas from the first. But the overall shape will be more of a single, through composed crescendo. Should be interesting.

I think I mentioned this on here already, but in August I'm heading to Dartington, in Totnes, to compose a piece for chorus to be performed by EXAUDI, conducted by James Weeks. I'm just gathering some ideas for that now.

And reading a bunch of theory books to bolster a few ideas about harmony. I'm just beginning to explore Rameau's ideas, and understand just how different French and German thinking has become. And believe it or not I'm working on adding a bit more of the German ideas to my music...we'll see how that goes.

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