Thursday, April 23, 2009

Remember When?

I got that letter saying ERM media wanted to put one of my pieces on one of their cds? Unfortunately I won't be able to do it, because they charge an inordinately large amount for recording.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the purpose of labels to pay for recording, and then they make money back by selling the product? Paying a lot (and way less than they wanted) for recording then selling it is something I can do myself. So what are they then, a distributor? Not if they're distributed by Naxos. I don't know much about business but I think if you've got a distributor, you aren't one. I believe all that's left for them to be is a middleman who takes money from people who don't know any better in return for basically nothing. Or I suppose you do get a recording, but again, you could do that on your own for far less.

Nonetheless it was nice to be noticed. Also, on that, anyone see the Ventura County Star yesterday?

1 comment:

David Jason Snow said...

ERM Media are old fashioned songsharks. Run away! Run away!