Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I just went on an shopping spree with a collection of gift cards from Christmas, and bought some books and scores that are going to be very informative and fun and exciting to read. Here's the list of things I'm now waiting for in the mail.

Schoenberg - Style and Idea
Schoenberg - Structural Functions of Harmony
Mick Goodrick - The Advancing Guitarist
Lewis Porter - John Coltrane: His Life and Music
Debussy - Three Orchestral Works
Stravinsky - The Rite of Spring

I can't decide which I'm most excited about, but both Style and Idea and The Advancing Guitarist have been recommended to me numerous times, so those should be cool.

Also, if you read the last entry, a guy named Tom North was recommended to me (I think by Mark Dresser, if so thanks) to ask about bitone stuff. I also found a composer/guitarist from Australia named Chris Sainsbury who has written some cool stuff using them, and wrote him, and he said he will mail me his writings on the subject. You can find these two guys here:

Tom North (listen to The Parallax Gambit)

Happy new year everyone.

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